If there’s a job that you’ve been approached for by an executive recruiter that you’re not interested in pursuing then you can share that job with the community by forwarding it to jobs@execthread.com. To receive maximum points, check out the job criteria here. All submissions are anonymous, and you’ll receive a bonus point for your first contribution.

How are ExecThread’s listings vetted?

Our operational team reviews all job submissions to ensure that they’re of the quality that’s commensurate with our high-caliber members. If you redeem a point for a particular job and you find out shortly after we posted it that the job has been filled, please contact us to let us know.

Do I need to do any vetting before I submit job opportunities to ExecThread?

No, just submit job opportunities for which you’re approached by executive recruiters (but aren’t interested in pursuing) to jobs@execthread.com and we’ll do the vetting for you.

Can I submit job opportunities from my employer?

Yes! We welcome all Director-level and above jobs submitted on behalf of your employer. If you’d like to see candidates for a job that you’re hiring, you can post your job here.